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Backup Kontakte, Kalendar, Aufgaben und Notizen from Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770)

Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770)

Available guides for synchronization to the secure cloud

Supported functions

  • Kontakt-Synchronisation
  • Kalender-Synchronisation
  • Aufgabe-Synchronisation
  • Notiz-Synchronisierung

Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770) wird von PhoneCopy unterstützt. Please note that following settings may vary a little depending on the firmware version.

Confirmed models


Confirmed versions



A new phone user has synchronized his Kontakte to PhoneCopy from Slovakia.
Someone just used PhoneCopy for backup of Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770) in country Aserbaidschan. His Kontakte were backed up.
Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770) phone was synchronized by PhoneCopy user in Kroatien. His Kontakte were transferred.
Recently we got new user of Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770) also in Weißrussland. He is using PhoneCopy for backup of Kontakte.
First user from Kasachstan just synced his Kontakte on Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770) phone.

Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770) Nutzer auf der ganzen Welt

Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770) wird für die Kontaktsicherung von PhoneCopy-Benutzern auf der ganzen Welt bevorzugt – Polen (Polska) - 45.74%, Indien (Bharôt, ভাৰত, ভারত, Bhārat, ભારત, भारत, Bhārata, ಭಾರತ, Bhāratam, ഭാരതം, Bharôtô, ଭାରତ, ਭਾਰਤ, भारतम्, Bārata, பாரதம், Bhāratadēsam, భారత దేశం) - 12.77%, Romania (România) - 9.57%, Slovenia (Slovenija) - 7.45%, Tschechien (Czech Republic, Česká republika) - 5.32%, Turkey (Türkiye) - 4.26%, Serbia (Srbija, Србија) - 3.19%, Aserbaidschan (Azərbaycan) - 2.13%, Slovakia (Slovensko) - 2.13%, Kroatien (Hrvatska) - 1.06% und 6 andere Länder.

Auf der Karte

Following heat map shows contacts synchronisations with Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770) using PhoneCopy across the globe.

Text guideline - How to backup

Mit Samsung Champ 3.5G (GT-S3770)

Die Richtlinie ist noch nicht in Ihre Sprache übersetzt worden.

First go to the phone's Main Menu and then follow these steps:

  1. Select Synchronize and choose Add.
  2. Configure given fields.
    ▼ hide fields
    • Profile name: write PhoneCopy
    • Synchronization category: Select the items you would like to synchronize. All will synchronize all items.
      to remote contacts write contacts, the rest can be left blank
      to remote calendar write calendar, the rest can be left blank
      to remote task write tasks, the rest can be left blank
      to remote notes write notes, the rest can be left blank
    • Synchronization type: select Complete synchronization
    • Synchronization server:
      Login ID
  3. Save the data.
  4. Go to section Synchronise, select PhoneCopy profile and press OK to start the synchronization.

And now please, assign your phone to your PhoneCopy account.

Bei Problemen mit der Synchronisierung, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns.