Backup contacts, calendar and tasks from Motorola V8

Available guides for synchronization to the secure cloud
Supported functions
- contact synchronization
- calendar synchronization
- task synchronization
Motorola V8 is supported on PhoneCopy. Please note that following settings may vary a little depending on the firmware version.
Confirmed models
- 06/05/2021
- A new phone user has synchronized his contacts to PhoneCopy from United Kingdom.
- 20/04/2020
- A new phone user has synchronized his contacts to PhoneCopy from India.
- 30/11/2019
- User from Germany has synchronized contacts with his phone.
Motorola V8 users around the world
According to our statistics, PhoneCopy users use Motorola V8 for data backup in countries United Kingdom (Y Deyrnas Unedig, Unitit Kinrick, Rìoghachd Aonaichte, Ríocht Aontaithe, An Rywvaneth Unys) - 70.00%, India (Bharôt, ভাৰত, ভারত, Bhārat, ભારત, भारत, Bhārata, ಭಾರತ, Bhāratam, ഭാരതം, Bharôtô, ଭାରତ, ਭਾਰਤ, भारतम्, Bārata, பாரதம், Bhāratadēsam, భారత దేశం) - 20.00%, Germany (Deutschland) - 10.00%.
On the map
Following heat map illustrates share between users around the world synchronizing their Motorola V8 using PhoneCopy.
Text guideline - How to backup
With Motorola V8
- Press Main Menu and then choose Connection - MOTOSYNC - Sync
- Choose New Entry and configure given fields.
▼ hide fields
- Name: Write PhoneCopy
- URL: Write
- User name: your_username
- Password: your_password
- Choose Data paths and configure given fields.
▼ hide fields
- Phonebook: Write contacts
- Calendar: Write calendar
- Tasks: Write tasks
- Press 2x Done.
- Choose PhoneCopy profile and now you can start synchronization anytime you want.
And now please, assign your phone to your PhoneCopy account.
In the case of problems with synchronization, please contact us.