Backup contactos, calendário and tareas from Motorola PEBL U6

Available guides for synchronization to the secure cloud
Supported functions
- contact synchronization
- calendar synchronization
- task synchronization
Motorola PEBL U6 is supported on PhoneCopy. Please note that following settings may vary a little depending on the firmware version.
Text guideline - How to backup
With Motorola PEBL U6
Las instrucciones no han sido trducidas a su lengua.
- Press Main Menu - Extras - Connectivity - Sync.
- Select New Entry and configure given fields.
▼ hide fields
- Name: Write PhoneCopy
- Server Address: Write
- Username: your_username
- Password: your_password
- Select Data paths.
- If you want to synchronize your contacts, choose Contacts and write contacts into the Data Path.
- If you want to synchronize your events from calendar, choose Calendar Events and write calendar into the Data Path.
- If you want to synchronize your tasks, choose Tasks and write tasks into the Data Path .
- Press Main Menu - Extras - Connectivity - Sync and press Select.
Por favor, ahora asigne su teléfono a su cuenta PhoneCopy.
En el caso de problemas con la sincronización, contacte con nosotros.