Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) dan yedeklenen kişiler, fotoğraflar, videos, sms mesajları ve call logs

Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F)

Available guides for synchronization to the secure cloud

Supported functions

  • Kişiler senkronizasyonu
  • SMS yedeklemesi
  • call log backup
  • photo synchronization
  • video synchronization
  • Otomatik senkronizasyon

Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) cihazını PhoneCopy desteklenmektedir. Please note that following settings may vary a little depending on the firmware version.

Confirmed models

sm-g955f: dream2ltexx/dream2lte (samsungexynos7420/universal7420)
sm-g955f: dream2ltexx/dream2lte (samsungexynos8890/universal8890)
sm-g955f: dream2ltexx/dream2lte (samsungexynos8895/universal8895)
sm-g955f: graceltexx/gracelte (qcom/apq8084)
sm-g955f: greatltexx/greatlte (samsungexynos8895/universal8895)
sm-g955f: lineage_dream2lte/dream2lte (samsungexynos8895/universal8895)
sm-g955f: sm-g955f/sm-g955f (qcom/sm-g955f)

Confirmed versions

Android 12
sq1d.220205.003 (unknown/g955fxxucdud1)
Android 9.0 Pie
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu9dtf1,g955fxxu9dtf1/g955fxxu9dtf1)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxs9dte1/g955fxxs9dtea)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxs8dtc1/g955fxxs8dtc6)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu6dsk5/g955fxxu6dsk9)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu5dsh3,g955fxxu5dsh3/g955fxxs5dsi1)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu5dsh3/g955fxxs5dsi1)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu5dsh3/g955fxxu5dshc)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu4dsd6/g955fxxu4dsda)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu4dse4/g955fxxu4dse4)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu5dsfb/g955fxxs5dsh5)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu5dsfb,g955fxxu5dsfb/g955fxxu5dsfb)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu5dsfb/g955fxxu5dsfb)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu4dsba/g955fxxs4dsc2)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu4dsba,g955fxxu4dsba/g955fxxu4dsba)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu4dscb/g955fxxu4dscb)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxu4dsba/g955fxxu4dsba)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxucdud1/g955fxxucdvg4)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxsbdtj1/g955fxxsbdua3)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxucdud1,g955fxxucdud1/g955fxxucdvg4)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxsbdtk1,g955fxxsbdtk1/g955fxxsbdua4)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxsbdtj1,g955fxxsbdtj1/g955fxxsbdua3)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxucdud1,g955fxxucdud1/g955fxxucdud1)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxucdud1/g955fxxucdvi1)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxucdud1/g955fxxucdud1)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxsbdtj1/g955fxxsbdtj1)
ppr1.180610.011 (g955fxxsadti1/g955fxxsadti1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxu9dtg2)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxu9dtf1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs8dtc6)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs8dtc1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs7dta6)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxu6dsk9)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs6dsl2)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs6dta1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs5dsh8)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs5dsi6)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs5dsh5)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs5dsj1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs5dsi1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs5dsf1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxu4zsb9)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxu4dse4)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs4dsd3)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs4dsc2)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs4dse1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955nksu3cri3)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs9dtea)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxs8dtcb)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxucdvg5)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxu5dsjc)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxu5dshc)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxu5dsfb)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxucdvg4)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxu4dsda)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxu4dsba)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxsbdua4)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxsbdua3)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxsadti3)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxscdud2)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxucdud1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxsbdtk1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxsbdtj1)
ppr1.180610.011 (unknown/g955fxxsadti1)
Android 8.0 Oreo
r16nw (g955fxxu4cri9/g955fxxu4crj5)
r16nw (g955fxxu4cri9/g955fxxs4crk2)
r16nw (g955fxxu4cri1/g955fxxu4cri5)
r16nw (g955fxxu4crk1/g955fxxu4crk1)
r16nw (g955fxxu4crk1/g955fxxu4crkg)
r16nw (g955fxxu4cri1/g955fxxs4crjd)
r16nw (g955fxxu4cri1/g955fxxs4cria)
r16nw (g955fxxu3crg5/g955fxxu3crgb)
r16nw (g955fxxu2cre3/g955fxxu2creh)
r16nw (g955fxxu2cre3/g955fxxu2cred)
r16nw (g955fxxu2crf1/g955fxxu2crf7)
r16nw (g955fxxu1crc7/g955fxxu1crc7)
r16nw (g955fxxu1crd1/g955fxxu1crd7)
r16nw (g955fxxu4crkb/g955fxxu4crl4)
r16nw (g955fxxu4crkb/g955fxxu4crl3)
r16nw (g955fxxu4crkb/g955fxxs4crlc)
r16nw (g955fxxu4crkb/g955fxxs4crlb)
r16nw (g955fxxu3crgh/g955fxxu3crh1)
r16nw (g955fxxu3crgh/g955fxxu3crgh)
r16nw (g955fxxu1crap/g955fxxu1crb7)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu4crj5)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu4cri5)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu4crl4)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu4crl3)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxs4csa3)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxs4csa2)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxs4crl2)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu4crk1)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu3crh1)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxs3crg1)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu2crf7)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu1crd7)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu1crc7)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu1crb7)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu4crkg)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxs4crlc)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxs4crlb)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxs4crjd)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxs4cria)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu3crgh)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu3crgb)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu2creh)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu2cred)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu1crap)
r16nw (unknown/g955fxxu1crai)
Android 7.1 Nougat
nrd90m (unknown/unknown)
nmf26x (unknown/unknown)
Android 7.0 Nougat
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqc9/g955fxxu1aqc9)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqk7/g955fxxu1aqk7)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqi7/g955fxxu1aqi7)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqf7/g955fxxu1aqf7)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqg6/g955fxxu1aqg5)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqj5/g955fxxs1aqk9)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqg5/g955fxxu1aqg7)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aql5/g955fxxu1aql5)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqj5/g955fxxu1aqj5)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqg5/g955fxxu1aqg5)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqe5/g955fxxu1aqe5)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqh3/g955fxxu1aqh3)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqj1/g955fxxu1aqj1)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqeb/g955fxxu1aqeb)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqdg/g955fxxu1aqdg)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqdd/g955fxxu1aqdd)
nrd90m (g955fxxu1aqca/g955fxxu1aqca)
nrd90m (unknown/n9208xxs5crh1)
nrd90m (unknown/n9208xxu3cqc6)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqc9)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxs1aqk9)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqk7)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqi7)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqg7)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqf7)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aql5)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqj5)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqg5)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqe5)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqd5)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqh3)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqj1)
nrd90m (unknown/g935fxxu1dqe7)
nrd90m (unknown/g935sksu1dqg1)
nrd90m (unknown/n920gddu2bpf1)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqhe)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqeb)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqdj)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqdi)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqdh)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqdg)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqdd)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqcc)
nrd90m (unknown/g955fxxu1aqca)
nrd90m (unknown/g935fxxu1dqaz)
nrd90m (unknown/g935fxxu1apdn)
nrd90m (unknown/g935fxxu1apdh)
Android 6.0 Marshmallow
mmb29k (unknown/n910fxxs1dqc3)
Android 4.4 KitKat
jls36c (unknown/)


Recently we got new user of Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) also in Suriname. He is using PhoneCopy for backup of kişiler ve sms mesajları.
A new phone user has synchronized his kişiler to PhoneCopy from Switzerland.
We detected PhoneCopy app on Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) phone in İsveç. All kişiler were backed up.
Recently we got new user of Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) also in Ukraine. He is using PhoneCopy for backup of kişiler.
We freshly support Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) with Android 12 OS for photo, video, SMS and contact backup.
First user from Moldova just synced his kişiler on Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) phone.

Android versions running on Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F)

PhoneCopy for Android app supports various Android versions. Our users synchronized their Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) running Android 9.0 Pie (54.59%), Android 8.0 Oreo (24.99%), Android 7.0 Nougat (19.32%), Android 7.1 Nougat (0.86%), Android 12 (0.13%), Android 4.4 KitKat (0.09%), Android 6.0 Marshmallow (0.02%).

The chart depicts Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) backup with PhoneCopy, running on various versions of Android.

Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) users around the world

Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) is preffered for contact backup by PhoneCopy users around the world - South Africa (Suid-Afrika, iNingizimu Afrika, uMzantsi Afrika, Afrika-Borwa, Afrika Borwa, Aforika Borwa, Afurika Tshipembe, Afrika Dzonga, iSewula Afrika) - 16.24%, Hırvatistan (Hrvatska) - 15.23%, India (Bharôt, ভাৰত, ভারত, Bhārat, ભારત, भारत, Bhārata, ಭಾರತ, Bhāratam, ഭാരതം, Bharôtô, ଭାରତ, ਭਾਰਤ, भारतम्, Bārata, பாரதம், Bhāratadēsam, భారత దేశం) - 10.03%, Romanya (România) - 9.22%, Czechia (Czech Republic, Česká republika) - 8.02%, İngiltere (Y Deyrnas Unedig, Unitit Kinrick, Rìoghachd Aonaichte, Ríocht Aontaithe, An Rywvaneth Unys) - 8.02%, Australia - 5.82%, Avusturya (Österreich) - 3.97%, Qatar (Qaṭar, قطر) - 2.89%, Macaristan (Magyarország) - 2.85% and 43 other countries.

Histogram depicts Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) backup with PhoneCopy around the world.

Talimat metni - Nasıl yedekleme yapılır

Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) 'dan

Talimatlar henüz sizin konuşma dilinize çevrilmemiştir.
If you want to transfer contacts from your Android device please use following screenshot guide.
  1. Download our PhoneCopy for Android application to your mobile device.
  2. After launching the application, create a new account from the application. If you have already created an account on web pages, log in to this existing account in the application.
  3. After successful login, go through the application setup wizard and then select "Synchronize" (for an account with an existing backup) / "Backup" (for an empty account) or press the "Later" button and then select option in the side menu "Back up contacts" / "Restore contacts" for one-way synchronization.

More detailed information and instructions include screenshots: how to backup and synchronize contacts from Android

For more information about our app, visit our PhoneCopy for Android page.

You need an Android phone version 4.4 (KitKat), 5.0, 5.1 (Lollipop), 6.0 (Marshmallow), 7.0, 7.1 (Nougat), 8.0, 8.1 (Oreo), 9.0 (Pie), 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 incl. tablets. Let us just remind you, that for now PhoneCopy for Android transfers to server contacts, photos, videos and SMS.

Senkronizasyon esnasında herhangi bir problemle karşılaşırsanız Yardım İsteyin

Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus LTE (SM-G955F) 'a doğru

Talimatlar henüz sizin konuşma dilinize çevrilmemiştir.
If you want to transfer contacts to your Android device please use following screenshot guide.
  1. Download our PhoneCopy for Android application to your mobile device.
  2. After launching the application, create a new account from the application. If you have already created an account on web pages, log in to this existing account in the application.
  3. After successful login, go through the application setup wizard and then select "Synchronize" (for an account with an existing backup) / "Backup" (for an empty account) or press the "Later" button and then select option in the side menu "Back up contacts" / "Restore contacts" for one-way synchronization.

More detailed information and instructions include screenshots: how transfer contacts to Android

For more information about our app, visit our PhoneCopy for Android page.

You need an Android phone version 4.4 (KitKat), 5.0, 5.1 (Lollipop), 6.0 (Marshmallow), 7.0, 7.1 (Nougat), 8.0, 8.1 (Oreo), 9.0 (Pie), 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 incl. tablets. Let us just remind you, that for now, PhoneCopy for Android transfers to server contacts, photos, videos, and SMS.

Senkronizasyon esnasında herhangi bir problemle karşılaşırsanız Yardım İsteyin

Kullanıcı yorumları

Yorum yazmak için lütfen Giriş yapın

  • Oppo A7
    My phone has 96,486 SMS that has to be backed up but the process keeps terminating due to "internet connection lost". My fiber internet access is quite stable so I don't think disruption is the cause. Is there a way I can back up the sms in parts?
    mebacal1960, 19.10.2020
    • Hello, 96,486 is really big count of SMS. It is possible that the processing of such a number of items takes a long time and it is possible that server terminate the communication due to a long time without response from the device.

      We are curently working on optimalization of application, which may solve issue like yours. We will release new version of app asap, within a few days at the latest. We will contact you. Please, be patient.

      Thank you
      PhoneCopy destek takımı, 20.10.2020
      • Hello,

        we developed a promised new beta version (3.4.3) of app. This optimized version should solve your reported issue. Please, download and install new version and try to sync again with it.

        I recommend, plug in charger during sync, because sync of big count of items take long time and it is possible that Android system will try to limit the app due to battery life.
        Download link:

        Please, send us feedback, if it works now or not.

        Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
        PhoneCopy destek takımı, 22.10.2020
See whole discussion